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15496  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: Telling the audio world about XX on: June 26, 2007, 03:29:34 pm
Uhohh ...

Leo, since you already got your Activation Code, you apparently asked that for a PC which will not be you Audio PC ? (or maybe it will because on *that* PC you'll install XX ?)

Anyway, if you asked the Code for another PC, on the Audio PC you have to enter the path to that other PC and the location (Activation ... How ?)
15497  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: Telling the audio world about XX on: June 26, 2007, 12:20:06 pm
You are right Peter!
But as soon as you are ready to have us privileged early adoptors to shout it from the rooftop, do tell us please.

Hi Leo,

Well ... if you think the current procedure ( this this this Happy) and all is so that you yourself would dare to get on that roof ...
Yes please ?!

But if you don't think it's ready enough, please say so !

Thank you very much,
15498  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Screen resolution on: June 26, 2007, 03:54:32 am
Pwew, I guess that's a matter of determining what can go in order to make space for the trackname.

First a question : how are the buttons (and all) on such a screen opposed to useablity by your fingers ?
And, would you say that the album picture can be smaller in order to save space ? (I'm not asking for other/better options to apply, and I'm just asking how legit it would be to shrink the picture on such a size and res screen).

And just for my information, what kind of device would this be ? (e.g. you say touch screen, but will you ever (or often) use that feature. Also, is it right in front of you or at a distance in the rack)

15499  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: solutions for stopping after each track on: June 26, 2007, 03:43:15 am

Hi werner,

Until now, with engine #3 on, I could only listen to 1 track.
After that, an error-mesage showed-up to tell me engine #3 stopped.

What is the exact meassage ?
(and you do use 0.9a, do you ?)

With the machine back to the system I can not play with double options checked. I get a mesage that the USB device (DDDAC1543) can
not handle the sample-rate.

Which would be true ... yes

with the delay set to 1 there are no stops between the tracks. I don't know why this is

Me neither ... But, there shouldn't be stops between the tracks anymore (not with 0.9a).
So far I can't understand this. dntknw (but I hope the exact error message is going to help !).


15500  Ultimate Audio Playback / Your thoughts about the Sound Quality / Re: The first digital "analog" player has been born on: June 25, 2007, 08:07:42 pm

Thank you for your ever so nice words Gerner ! But I know you also just mean it.

Might Bert have one CrazyA/CrazyV ready before the other (or has to put priorities), I gift you mine ... so you can make use of your TwinDAC ASAP.

But my ears tells me that #1 44K1 is a hair ahead of #3 re. resolution and the #3 is slightly ahead re. relaxation or smoothness.

While #3 really has more resolution. But as you know my point of view : how to talk about resolution while that is removed by the os-DAC.

For the Michelin Stars ... that's really too much honor. You did not experience my cooking (nor did I experience yours Party hehe).
I can only hope this will really do something to the audio world ... and remember, I need your ears your golden ears too to confirm things (and of all those who want to judge).

Of course you make me wonder who those other Michelin persons are ... secret
Peter  Happy
15501  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: The cost of XX on: June 25, 2007, 07:49:18 pm
Thank you very much Jack ! really nice to hear.

I hope you enjoy it very much ... and that it will be better again !
15502  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: The cost of XX on: June 25, 2007, 01:06:51 pm
From PeterSt to St Peter innocent innocent

rofl Wow, it took me a minute to understand this ... but no, really ...

How don't know whether you researched the value of your software or based it on a gut reaction, but I believe the price is just about perfectly pitched.

I really hope so Chris. And whether "I will do extremely well" ... hmm ... I merely hope the pllayer will perform extremely well. Let's not forget, what you currently perceive from Engine#3 is just the beginnings of it (this, while #1 and #2 can hardly get better, except for #2 Upsampling maybe). So my job is just about to begin. secret

15503  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Activation doesn't work on other PCs (split from Activation ... How ?) on: June 25, 2007, 12:03:21 pm
a. You do use 0.9a, right ? (because with 0.9 of which I know you have it, it does not work).

Now it works.... (0.9a)

Had to open and disable all security and moved the XXHighEnd directory to my shared documents folder so that I did not have to share more than needed to be able to have access from another PC to the one directory where XX was activated previously and then enter the path (closing with "\" ) in XX (the one not yet being activated).

Pffff, please no new numbers for me, it costed me several hours to figure out how to have all PC's communicate with the XXHighEnd folder. Now I know....good luck to all others!  heat


I will adjust the tekst accordingly, although I'd have to figure out what kind of settings people can have - working against this operation.
Do note that (my thinking is that) if you shared a folder on the PC with the license, and you follow the rather strict advise of looking at My Network Places at the PC you're installing (and which this time is also for the experienced !), you can't have any other problem than being unable to share the folder at the first PC. IOW, if you don't look at these network places, you can keep on trying and trying if something else (firewall ??) is preventing the last PC from seeing the share.
This is not related to XX ...

But *of course* this might be a hopeless situation for unexperienced people, so the message is (very) clear. Just as that your remark about the path ending at "\" is clear to me ... I expected that to go wrong here and there and ... and actually I could add it myself when it is forgotten.

All beginnings are difficult, especially for me btw.
For that matter, I feel great responsibility for people paying, and then want their product. Never done this you know. heat heat
15504  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Activation doesn't work on other PCs (split from Activation ... How ?) on: June 25, 2007, 11:51:59 am
Gerner ... please do NOT delete messages !

a. there is usefulness ALWAYS, because another can learn from your mistakes;
b. the thing I hate most is typing (or helping for that batter) for NOTHING;
c. you (by this means, in general) disrupt the topic with this.


Edit : (crosspost with Gerner)
I appologize for having posted something and deleted it while you tried to answer what I just deleted.
It's okay !
15505  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Activation doesn't work on other PCs (split from Activation ... How ?) on: June 25, 2007, 11:36:44 am

a. You do use 0.9a, right ? (because with 0.9 of which I know you have it, it does not work).
b. If so, exactly *what* does not work ? Messages ?

15506  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Activation doesn't work on other PCs (split from Activation ... How ?) on: June 25, 2007, 11:31:59 am
Hey Gerner,

First of all, congrats with your Internet connection overthere ! So that problem is solved. Now the others ...

Apart from the Demo message ... when you have complaints (by itself justified of course) about error messages, you can understand that I can't do much without knowing the error messages ... So please paste them in here, and in a separate topic (uhhm ... because formally this is unrelated to the Activation ... until we'll prove otherwise.

Then the minimize/maximize thing. In fact, this too should be in a separate topic, never mind the one follows from the other. But okay ...
I must do this by heart now :
When XX is minimized, you can rightclick on the taskbar item and then choose Maximize. After that you can click on the square box in the upper right corner (the middle one). You then hardly see a difference, but for the square box now indicating that you can drag the borders of the form. So, drag them to the size you want, and this is normal again from then on.

Then the major part ...

Because I really can't guess what happened (but I think you just started the wrong XX version i.e. from your old location, I'd like you to try this :

Check the icon with which you start XX, for its current location. Note that apart from XX showing 0.9a at startup, you should be in the folder that shows June 24 for the both EXEs in there.
Btw, get the habit of always working form the same folder, instead of putting a new version in another (you possibly did this, I don't know yet). This implies that you first have to copy the old contents to somewhere else, for possible later reference.

Then, when you are sure your desktop icon starts the proper verson, again Activate XX (UnDemo).
When it says ok, withgoing it says to restart XX. Thus, quit XX and restart it (no reboot is necessary).
If it then again starts with "Demo", something is wrong on my side ...

15507  Ultimate Audio Playback / Download Area and Release Notes / Re: Activation ... How ? on: June 25, 2007, 12:56:47 am
One more thing for now :

Please pay attention to the Activation process (which will be about *or* entering the Activation Code in the field for it in the UnDemo section - *or* entering the path reference to the PC which got the Code from the Internet);
When the Activation fails on either PC (and a message tells you that), you *will* be in Demo Mode again. BUT : you won't receive the "Demo" message at startup anymore. No matter what, XX will quit playing as usual in Demo Mode.

If you are not sure (anymore, whatever) whether a PC was successfully Activated, just do it again. That can't harm.
When all is okay, it will say so. And and if not it will say that too. secret


15508  Ultimate Audio Playback / Download Area and Release Notes / XXHighEnd Model 0.9a (including Activation) on: June 25, 2007, 12:12:59 am
Ok ... so here goes again ...

Warning : Maybe you, like me never read install notes, just because you know yourself what to do. NOT SO IN THIS CASE ! The most important of it is, when you get your Activation Code you should do this via your intended audio PC with which you can save yourself the trouble of setting up "shares" from the PC you use to get the Activation Code to the Audio PC.

Please read this post about the way of Activation : Activation ... How ?

Then, here I repeat most of the text from the 0.9 topic, which was the first attempt of a version including activation :

From off this version (0.9a) there is a new section "Undemo" containing a button to PayPal. By means of this button you can obtain an Activation Code for 72 euro. Please note that you won't see anything about VAT, which is just because I didn't want to spend the time on that so far, and as long as it remains like this, I'm actually paying for your VAT (if applicable).

Also see Install Notes and getting an Activation Key under "Getting an Activation Code" in there. Do read this !

Until it is kind of guaranteed that the Activation process runs without issues, XXHighEnd will maintain its beta status.

Careful !
At some stage during the PayPal process you will see that you are asked to press "CONTINUE" (see below for a dutch version of that screen). If you do not do so you won't receive your Activation Code by automation. If you do press the CONTINUE, a screen will follow containing your Activation Code, and within seconds you will be up and running.
So don't forget to press CONTINUE !! (or you have to wait for me to send it to you).

Copy and paste the Activation Code in de appropiate field in the UnDemo section, quit the player when it tells all is okay, and restart.

Edit : Removed the text about Phasure being an unverified seller (Phasure is now verified).

One more thing about the Activation and getting your Code :
Do not be afraid that you loose your code for whatever reason during the process. The process is fully automated (the downside may be that I created that Shocked Happy), and no matter what, overhere I will receive your Code by email. Just the same as that I can see you paid for it, I can send it to you by email if needed. Also, when things go wrong at the Activation itself, I'm ready to help out, and no matter what, I will. What could happen though, is that you have to wait for a few hours until I'm there.

Then, the relevant issue with Engine #3 not wanting to produce sound for many tracks has been solved in this version (and rember, you just can keep on using the demo version). What remains with #3 so far, is track titles not playing with diacretical marks in them. And, as I found, this is the same for those marks being in the Album name, or even the performer's name !
I hope this is solved soon.

Good luck.
15509  Ultimate Audio Playback / Interesting Music / Testmaterial / Re: Test track with distortion which isn't there... on: June 24, 2007, 10:59:27 pm
Bert ! You must be ACrazy person ...

[Bert pointed this out a few weeks ago, when he didn't have #3 available yet]

For those who are interested ... this is my personal explanation :

First of all, those with horn speakers ... dive with one of your ears into the mid/high horn. The right one is best, but left will do also.
Btw, set XX to a Delay (start time) at a convenient number of seconds, so you have the time to get to the speaker without hearing yourself breathing only. Cool And, indeed set your volume to the max, or whatever it needs to hear something anyway. As Bert implied, do not add another track in the Playlist or your windows might go out.
(you could also compare with other players of course).

Now, what's happening here, is that the volume is so much "compressed", that with the 44K1/16bits this track is about, there's very very few headroom to express the variations in volume level. I didn't look at the data, but it would well be 1 % only where all plays, of the 100% available.

The above for me implies that if the smallest thing goes wrong, all goes wrong for the perceived result.

When I listen to this with bit perfect playback the Fireface MME drivers imply, all sounds normal. Assuming you all don't have such a driver, start with normal 44K1 under XP, which is not bit perfect. #1 or #2 does not matter much in this case (tracklength is short enough to use #1 if you want).
To me the bit perfect drivers are slightly better than the not bit perfect drivers. However :

That they do differ, is noticeable by means of doubling. I say : Doubling doubles the error.
So, with #2 and Doubling, you can hear that it's not as clean or pure anymore.

Now we go to #1 or #2 under Vista, just 44K1.
Already, there's no way we can recognize the "original" (remember, which is already not much original under XP with the not bit perfect drivers).
I say : the original is about a piano and small twinkling bells, and suddenly now the piano sounds like a bell.
Explanation : the resampling Vista performs, even if you selected 44K1 as what your soundcard (DAC) can do (Advanced tab in the Device options). SO it resamples from 44K1 to ??? and back.

Now set your Device (we're in Vista) to anything else (like 96K) and it gets worse. There's only bells now ... No piano anymore.

Lastly, select Engine #3. This is your best option, surely when you don't have bit perfect drivers under XP.
Start with 44K1 ... all is okay.
Then Double it ... all remains okay (meaning : we're not "doubling" errors here).
Then Upsample it ... still all okay (meaning : XX' Upsampling is okay).

Of course this is one example only, of very special caliber. I don't know whether it's representative for everything, but at least - to me - it gives the idea to be on the right track. *Also*, obviously, it gives the idea that not bit perfect XP is worse. For this case anyway. Possibly for all.
So, no matter XX may sound way better than anything else ... here's the proof that it really needed Vista to outclass ... well, itself.

If I try Happy to be scientific, I say that this is pure harmonic distortion. I mean, when a piano just sounds like a bell, things are mixed up heavily, and of course we know how many harmonics a bell has. From this situation (again, I already knew it) I started to learn to "hear" harmonic distortion, and which really made me hear the "clipped" data from the example here.

Keep in mind : sound data not being "bit perfect" is just the tyniest form of distortion, of which about the whole world would say it's inaudible. It already was not (to me and others) because of the way you perceive it. Yeah right. Here though, it can be listened to as an absolute phenomenon.
When this is upsampled the way Vista does it internally, it will be *or* very heavily upsampled in order to get to the common denominator first (and you know what I think of that, removing all the squarish waves which are present in the original), *or* it is performed in a dumn wrong way (avoiding the heavy upsampling then). In any case in the end dither must be added, which comes down to not being bit perfect by already that means only.

Bert, I think it is great that you found this example.  Happy Happy Happy
15510  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: Un-demo on: June 24, 2007, 10:25:00 pm
Hahaha, good question ...

First of all I can always help you off line with it. BUT : currently I really take all the trouble to avoid that. I mean, that would imply that when we're not here at that time, you'd be waiting. So ... (just making up something Happy) :

Somehow you should be able to "convert" you Activation Code to the new situation. Thus, assuming that's just possible, I will arrange for that. During the time waiting for that functionality (again, if possible at all), I will be helping offline with it.

Very good point anyway ! yes
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