I´ve decided to open a new thread to complement the one called HOW I´VE BUILT MY NEW PC FOR XXHIGHEND AND WHY I´VE CHOSEN THE COMPONENTS (
This post has some links organized to get better information. I invite you all to post here the information about this issue that you consider relevant.
To build a PC to play music it´s an important concern. For many of us coming from the audiophile world andM knowing almost just the basics of computers to have some information on how to do it is essential but also hard because computers and parts change very quickly. I receive frequently questions about what´s the best case, processor or power supply so I decided to put here some web sites where you can find information and reviews. My advise is to subscribe to some of these sites to be updated.
Keep in mind though the guidelines of the head of this thread because I think they are still valid:
- Make a PC as silent as possible, but not totally passive, because of the limitations it implies.
- Choose a fast processor, one of the latest but not the last one because of the price. This processor must have as much cores as possible.
- Still Windows i7 Ultimate 64bits seems to be the best OS. The users of the first Phasure NOS1 dac must install this OS without SP1. The users of the new Phasure NOS1 USB must install it (so far) with SP1.
- Buy as much memory as you can, I´d say at least 12Gb.
- Choose a fast hard drive to put there the operating system AND XXHighEnd. Put the music in other(s) different HDDs. SSD are still expensive and some people here think that they sound worse than spinning discs.
- Choose a passive graphic card. That´s enough for XXHighEnd.
- Buy a silent case with big fans
- Control the fans speed out of the motherboard. Don´t use PWM because of the interferences.
And, above all, use this PC just FOR XXHighEnd and nothing else. Use as less software as possible. Use Internet occasionally and only if you really need it, other ways disconnect it. Don´t use antivirus.
Think about this PC as if it was a transport because it is a transport that send the signal to a dac.
Of course if you can, buy the Phasure dac because it works beautifully with XXHighEnd.
These are the links where you can find information about parts and how to build a PC:
http://www.pcmech.com/byopc/http://www.buildacomputerguide.com/http://www.kitchentablecomputers.com/index.phphttp://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/build-your-own-pc,2601.htmlPARTS AND REVIEWS:
http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/http://www.hispazone.com/ (in Spanish)
http://bigbruin.com/http://www.anandtech.com/SILENT PCs:
http://www.silentpcreview.com/http://www.endpcnoise.com/cgi-bin/e/index.html?id=SbJcie7thttp://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/homehttp://www.pcsilencioso.com/ (in Spanish)
http://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/etv.mpl?forum=pcaudiohttp://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pc-based/194098-audiophile-hard-drive.htmlhttp://theartofsound.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=3http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pc-based/http://www.whatsbestforum.com/forumdisplay.php?213-Expert-Forum-Vincent-Kars-On-Computer-AudioKNOWING MORE ABOUT PCs:
http://forum.scottmueller.com/index.phphttp://www.thewelltemperedcomputer.com/index.htmlhttp://www.hardwaresecrets.com/type/1CONNECTING YOUR COMPUTER (USB, SPDIF, etc.):
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USBhttp://www.thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/Connect/index_connect.htmhttp://www.thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/USB_Audio.htmhttp://www.thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/Connect/USB_connect.htmhttp://www.audioasylum.com/forums/pcaudio/messages/6/65853.htmlTIPS TO GET BETTER SOUNDhttp://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/index.htmlhttp://www.avguide.com/forums/22-tips-obtain-better-sound-high-end-audio-systemhttp://www.getbettersound.com/I hope it helps