
Ultimate Audio Playback => Chatter and forum related stuff => Topic started by: PeterSt on June 08, 2015, 09:39:22 am

Title: Vinyl CD
Post by: PeterSt on June 08, 2015, 09:39:22 am
Has anybody seen the below CD in real life ?
I was ordered to rip our latest purchases and found this one amongst them. I said "no way ! - no way there's music on this !".

I thought CD's are made of glass or something. Well, this isn't vinyl really but it sure looks like it. Or stupid plastic otherwise.
And still there is just music on it ...


Title: Re: Vinyl CD
Post by: JohanZ on June 08, 2015, 10:34:04 am
Hi Peter,

I know there are vinyl surface cd-r's. I suppose you can still buy them.

Regards Johan

Title: Re: Vinyl CD
Post by: PeterSt on June 08, 2015, 10:43:08 am
Funny !

The strange thing is (ok, for me) that on this CD you do not see a thing "engraved" while with a normal CD you can always see easily where the music is. That's how I thought it was a hoax (internet purchase).


Title: Re: Vinyl CD
Post by: manisandher on June 08, 2015, 02:17:13 pm
Hey Peter, greetings from Mexico City (yeah, still never at home).

A while ago, I used to burn all my music onto black CD-Rs. The SQ was much better than even the most expensive silver/gold CD-Rs. I still have a ton of blank black CD-Rs that I stopped using once I switched to HDDs. And they all look like vinyl.

Nothing new...
