
Ultimate Audio Playback => XXHighEnd Support => Topic started by: ivo on May 17, 2011, 12:14:50 am

Title: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: ivo on May 17, 2011, 12:14:50 am

If I tick also "Stop remaining services" then my PC hangs with no playback. Pop-up tells to wait while services stop, but it lasts forever. Only hard reset helps. Stopping desktop services and LAN works ok. I am using W7 RC1.


Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: PeterSt on May 17, 2011, 09:10:26 am
Hi Ivo - see here : Problem with Unattended 0.9z4-1 (http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=1609.0)
It will give you the idea how to solve it. But in general : Click cancel after 3 minutes or so, and then look at the XX log file. You will see which one causes it (the one which has been killed by "you").

There have been passing one or two more topics about the same, and they were all about virus scanners causing it.

Let me know if you need further help, or which one it was otherwise.

Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: ivo on May 18, 2011, 12:22:26 am
OK, it starts killing me....

I read the topic you provided, tested 2 hours and still no sound just hangs.
I will not upload log now, but can say that I excluded 7 services from stopping and got '0 services could not stop' in the log, but still all just stops and nothing. Message (Waiting...) still looks at me and that is all. I ended up with 18 services still ON and 26 processes still ON. And yes, the XXHighEnd process was eating my CPU for 60% constantly after a little while after hitting PLAY.

Question: should I also exclude respective processes for those 7 services? It seems that not because antivirus stopped just by excluding service names. BTW, I did not notice 'Processes stopped' section in the log file.

I am running the latest XX code and music still both from RAMDISK.

Ivo (going to seep it is late here)

Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: PeterSt on May 18, 2011, 05:08:26 am
I think it is possible that you don't understand the process completely ... :) That is ...

but still all just stops and nothing

... this seems an irrelevant remark to me !
You should look for the killed service (or process) after clicking cancel. It will say something like "aborted" in the log file for the service/process concerned. Next, exclude that one (or cause the thing concerned not to start at all).

But why not do it the other way around ? The list in the log file is formed such that it can be copy-pasted in the Exclude list. So, when you start with all of them excluded it should work (but nothing is stopped). Now start to make groups to be "inactive" in the list (put an asterisk next to the name (but within the braces) so the name won't be found anymore). Take groups of 5 or so. Now, as soon as the lot starts to hang you will know which group of 5 does that to you. Remember that group (write down the 5 names), reboot (this is necessary now), activate those 5 again in the list (meaning, remove the asterisk) and continue with the next 5.
In the end you may have 3 groups with candidates for your problem. In that case this will need 15 reboots max to sort it out.

Btw, it can be done without reboots, but then you'd have to restart the services manually at a next atempt and this is not always an easy thing (more than 1 may be involved when 1 is stopped and maybe you don't know which one).

Always have Taskmanager running with the list of services sorted on Running/Stopped (running on top) - so you will be able to see what's happening;
You don't need to wait 3 minutes each time, because soon enough you will learn from the Taskmanager list when nothing happens anymore.

Hope this helps !

Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: ivo on May 30, 2011, 11:12:50 pm
Yes, it is clear to me what I must do. It is so that currently I have no time at all to finish this. Will get back later and then proceed. Thanks.


Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: PeterSt on May 30, 2011, 11:28:28 pm
When you have time again and are stuck, just call again. Don't get annoyed. We'll get it done !


Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: ivo on July 12, 2011, 09:09:33 pm
Hi Peter,

OK found time today. After series of reboots got it OK. Before was using XX with stopped desktop (39 proc and 40 services), but when stopped remaining then got 28 proc run and 18 services. Great! SQ improved. I am running know the latest code.

2 things:
 - when I was re-booting to find the guilty process, noticed that in first 2 reboots log file has know info about processes, only services. Once is OK with services, only then appears info on processes. And when all worked, log file contained info like how many processes stopped, etc. I thought maybe this info is needed from the very start, like with services.
 - LAN ON in my box does not bring back network. Used W7's net troubleshooter to get it ON. I have a wifi pci card.

Otherwise, great is XX. Thank you for your work.


Title: Re: Stop remaining services - hangs PC!
Post by: PeterSt on July 12, 2011, 11:06:57 pm
Hi Ivo,

Good you got it going.
Sadly this won't go in the way you suggest because processes need services or IOW the services dictate which processes run. Well, in general and 95% of cases.

About your LAN ... that would be about WiFi which is not separately supported. At least not at this time, and it really takes some effort to find out the ins and outs of that (I just never spent the time so far). So, Off will work, but back On not yet.

Best regards,