Title: Those with Tidal ... Post by: PeterSt on June 10, 2019, 12:45:13 pm … Do you notice too that when you don't enter an * to the Artist Name for searching Artists, you don't get a result any more ?
I did not look yet what's happening in the code, but point is that as far as I know I did not change a thing. And suddenly since somewhere 2 days ago, nothing is found when not adding the *. ? Peter Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: arvind on June 10, 2019, 01:32:59 pm Hi Peter,
You’re spot on it works adding * to the artist name. The only issue is that the cover art does not show, until I select the particular album from the 1st pane in XXHE. Best regards, Arvind Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: PeterSt on June 10, 2019, 02:44:43 pm Hi Arvind,
Quote You’re spot on it works adding * to the artist name. But it is not meant to work like that. And for sure it didn't a while ago. So since when is this, do you think ? If you would ask me, I would say "since 3 days". Best regards, Peter Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: arvind on June 10, 2019, 03:11:41 pm Since the 6th of this month I stopped getting any Tidal search results while entering only the artist name.
Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: coliny on June 10, 2019, 03:58:41 pm I noticed that * needed in artist name yesterday. Previous Tidal download was a week ago and did not need * then.
Colin Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: PeterSt on June 10, 2019, 07:37:13 pm Thank you VERY much guys. I would have been searching for that needle in the haystack which just isn't there. Quite a stupid Tidal change. Peter Title: Re: Those with Tidal ... Post by: PeterSt on June 11, 2019, 02:20:48 pm So Yes, Tidal changed something. It is solved for the next version.
For now, don't forget to add the * in the field for Artist Name. But obviously, mind the Result which now is "wildcarded". See second album in second picture below. Peter |