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13246  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: 6a skips the last piece of the last song in the playlist on: April 09, 2009, 01:44:22 pm
Thank you for trying !
13247  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: 6a skips the last piece of the last song in the playlist on: April 09, 2009, 10:58:45 am
Do you, by accident, know whether that happens with 2 tracks only ?
13248  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Strange but true on: April 09, 2009, 09:01:45 am

It is me doing something wrong. So it's not about that. However, the header of this file does not look normal to me. What did you rip this with ?
And can it be so that you ripped this differently (with other software) than your other (playing) albums ? Or that you applied tagging to it afterwards or anything else that makes the difference ?

Btw, did your hotkeys start working again ?
13249  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: BSO/James Levine releasing online on: April 09, 2009, 08:55:43 am
Dave, any chance you can get me one of such a file ? http://www.phasure.com/index.php?topic=721.0
One is enough, and the two in a row I will test by copying it to another name.
Please don't pick a particular small one, unless you can recognize that doesn't matter. It you are not sure, pick two afterall (two of which the second won't play).

Btw, I think I know what is causing all this (since it is proven that it plays), and it must be related to the longwinding process of conversion which takes place, but in an area I could never test because of not having any AIFFs. I think you should be up and running (your) tomorrow, Dave.

... excluding error messages (Mani).

Btw, I'd better provide explicit AIFF->WAV conversion with it because it is stupid to convert these files (real time) over and over.
Ok ok ok.
13250  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: BSO/James Levine releasing online on: April 09, 2009, 08:40:54 am
Or print it, and scan it.too much !
13251  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: BSO/James Levine releasing online on: April 09, 2009, 12:12:27 am
I'm thinking of some pure coincidence. Some bit up in the header while the header is interpreted wrongly. I don't know yet.
If 0.9x-4 is doing this better, there's another dimension in play. Me again. swoon
13252  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: BSO/James Levine releasing online on: April 08, 2009, 11:42:36 pm
Must be my fault. I never tested AIFF at 88K2. Cry
13253  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: DAT files? on: April 08, 2009, 10:39:35 pm

I may have sound harsh, which I don't intend to. So, to be clear on things :

Everything which has to be converted, or copied for that matter, has to be done in advance in order not to disturb SQ. However, since it might be an annoying thing to wait some longer before the first notes sound, the check box "Start Engine3 during conversion" has been brought up. Now, have too many tracks in the Playlist to convert or copy, and SQ degrades for a longer time or doesn't commence for that same time. Nothing else to do if you don't want the influence at each track. This is just how it's designed ...
Btw with the most explicit part of conversions not being done on the fly (like normal players do). It really matters.

13254  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Strange but true on: April 08, 2009, 10:26:27 pm
Whats really wierd is that the file will play in 9x-4.

Aha. That may be weird, but of course is the most helpful to know.

About the origine ... I probably got on a strange track because I really never saw such a status of a file. But no worries, the difference between 0.9x-4 and the current version will denote what is going on.

Thanks again for your time,
13255  Ultimate Audio Playback / Music Storage and convenient playback / Re: soundcard question on: April 08, 2009, 07:35:17 pm
Roy, these are more theories than practice. I have it running though. This is not much about receiver chips when the DAC just can accept it.
But leave it be for now please. Quite some things have to be sorted out, like the soundcard Telstar mentioned.
When all has been sorted out and it is working, you will hear about it ...
13256  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Can't get to play in 96Khz on: April 08, 2009, 07:27:15 pm
No ? what my sig says is that I use 48 samples of latency even with 176400. I know that looks a bit strange, and is a remainder from indeed playing Quad. I will change it.

... But this won't allow you to play 88.2 files (which just exist) over USB ?
13257  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: DAT files? on: April 08, 2009, 07:24:54 pm
Josef, I am sorry, but you don't get it. What you quoted from me is somehow interpreted by you 180 degrees the other way around;
When you have a FLAC album, it has to be converted and the result is again such a Unicode file.
When you copy your files to the XX-Drive, well, they have to be copied, right ?

And if you want to do that with 10,000 files, you can be as persistent as you want, it is not going to work. Not with a player like this. This is not about me but about the principles of the player. And its purpose of course. Well, you know ...

I don't understand what you don't understand about this. I am sorry.
13258  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Strange but true on: April 08, 2009, 07:19:51 pm
No, it doesn't play here either. I don't know yet why, but it must be me somehow.
Look below though, which says that the file is from another PC and therefore it is blocked. I neever saw such a thing, and it may be related. The button where the mouse pointer is can remove that blocking. It doesn't help.

Strange ...
When you find another one of this, please let me know.
And when you want, you may email me about the origine of this. Maybe it helps ...
13259  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Can't get to play in 96Khz on: April 08, 2009, 03:26:31 pm
Arrgghh ... but they probably forgot to write it in the specs ?! I don't know whether you tried, but if not, just do.

I don't think chances are high that 44.1 -> 96 will emerge in XX. It is not good for sound quality, and I'm afraid there are better things to do ... sorry
13260  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: DAT files? on: April 08, 2009, 11:47:31 am
The DAT file thing.

And do I understand correctly that was also the reason why you have to copy a perfectly valid WAV file to XX folder and name it UnicodeTrackxxx.etc? (because if there is no 8.3 filename other process potentially can't find it?)

It seems a long way around, but basically that is what it comes down to, yes. This is not all though, and part of the problem is displaying it correctly. So, it is unlike you said in the beginning that this is about playing the music only. It is also nice to see what you're playing.
Remember, the trick is that from an 8.3 name the original can be obtained, and while (code page) conversions don't work, this works.

If so, have you looked at symbolic links in Vista?

Yes, I have. But I can't recall anymore why they couldn't do the job. Maybe something with rights, maybe something I could solve today because of more knowledge ... but back then, it was useless.

Alternatively, perhaps an even better way would be to use inter-process communication between GUI & Engine process?

In theory yes, but I think you didn't get that there is no GUI at all. There's just nothing. Also under the hood ... nothing.

You mentioned that tracking *.dat files in memory would take too much resources - it seems they are always around 350 bytes per file which even for 10,000 tracks would result in only 3.5MB RAM which, if I look at task manager, is, at this moment in time, less then 1% of RAM XX uses. As those apparently need to be updated if user changes volume it would seem to be much faster doing it in memory than updating 10,000 files on disk.

I don't recall I said something like that, although I will have said something that makes you think this. Anyway :
Same problem as before : there is nothing in memory to change, because ... well, there is nothing in memory. I'm afraid you try to understand something which isn't even there. Besides that, it is irrelevant. Also the context of 10,000 files is not "justified", as talked about before.

but the principles should still apply in general case and would make XX more responsive and far less I/O hungry which, if I understand correctly is always an enemy of SQ right?

Ehhm, wrong ? Happy
I think if you want to talk in terms of "I/O hungry" it is time to tell, well, don't talk in suggestive terms while you actually don't know. Strange though, because you were able to explain something about 350 bytes. So you do know, which leaves "suggestive";
But ok, here are your numbers :

A coverart picture is some 100KB. Better throw those out, because already one of them is 286 times larger than those 350 bytes.
Next is the track to play, which 1:1 goes along with that 350 bytes. I advice you to make a 64 mp3 of everything, because such a (5 minute) 50MB track really is 142857 times larger than those 350 bytes. Forget about hires files at all.

Now, shall we stop this subject so I can continue with useful things ? (btw, go ahead if you like; I really don't mind. What I do mind is justifying about things which really don't make sense).
One of them might be examining those symbolic links again. Note though that this won't help me a bit for those who have FLACed everything. It also doesn't help when you denote "Copy to XX-Drive" which for sure you will do once you have an SS disk.

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