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1  Ultimate Audio Playback / Cables (Community induced) / Re: Lush^3 on: January 29, 2021, 09:03:50 pm
Hi all,

After having spent several hours with the Lush^3 I can only concur with everything that has been said so far on this cable. Over the years I've upgraded my USB cable several times (Stealth III to NOS1a), from Clairixa to Lush to Lush^2 and now the Lush^3. Every time I noticed an improvement. But the latest move, to the Lush^3, is the one that brought the most significant benefits to SQ. Each instrument is more distinct in space, it removed the last hint of glare that was remaining and everything is much more focused. The overall feeling is a sense of ease and the listening is now even more relaxed.

I also agree that now the Phase control has definitely an effect on the SQ. Before the Lush^3 I had tested the Phase parameter but every time I couldn't hear the slightest change. To my surprise now the Phase control has a very positive effect. It kind of adds to the Lush^3 qualities. It's specifically notable on the focus of the instruments. I'd say that with the Phase control 'on' 80% of the SQ gain comes from the Lush^3 and 20% from the Phase 'on'.

Thank you Peter for your relentless quest in the development of new tools devoted to music reproduction.


2  Ultimate Audio Playback / Cables (Community induced) / Re: Lush^3 on: January 16, 2021, 01:39:30 am
Hi Robert,

So it seems that the cable I received has been configured the opposite way. I will make the change before I do my first audition tonight.


3  Ultimate Audio Playback / Cables (Community induced) / Re: Lush^3 on: January 15, 2021, 10:33:46 pm
Hi Peter,

I just received my Lush^3. Thanks.

I want to clarify the jumper configuration. The cable I received is configured as follows:     A: W-Y-R  B: W-Y-R-G
This is different than the configuration in your signature and this is the opposite of the config. you posted on November 27th.

What is the current consensus on the best configuration?

Than you,

4  Ultimate Audio Playback / Cables (Community induced) / Re: Lush^3 on: January 15, 2021, 01:35:22 pm
Hi Peter,

Once I receive my Lush^3  I'll do some testing with the different cables I have on hand (Clarixa, Lush and Lush^2) and I'll report on my findings.

5  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Back in Demo Mode on: January 12, 2021, 03:25:00 pm
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the procedure to ''expand'' the 13GB OS file to 25GB. After this is done I'll be sure that the OS is perfect and I'll work out the loss of NW connection in Unattended from there.

... you always play Attended. XXHighEnd is not really made for that ...

Now this is new to me. I've never read anything saying that playback in Attended is not recommended other than for SQ reason. Yes the Mach III runs hotter in Unattended but not overly hot because for SQ reason I remove the cover when in playback.

Thank you for your help. I'm still in learning mode but nevertheless I already enjoy listening to music with your gears.

6  Ultimate Audio Playback / Cables (Community induced) / Re: Lush^3 on: January 11, 2021, 04:40:59 pm
Hi Peter,

I will soon place an order for a Lush^3 cable. I have one question regarding the short USB cable that connects the output of the Phisolator (I input) to the rest of the DAC (U Input).
Did you try a Lush^3 or for that matter a Lush^2, instead of the stock short cable? In the USB chain I see that short cable as the possible weak link. What is your stand on this?

Thank you,


7  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Back in Demo Mode on: January 10, 2021, 09:59:33 pm
Hi Peter,

The issues I've had with the Unattended mode led me to use XXHE mostly in Attended. However I've almost always used XXHE in RAM and Min-OS. The issues with Unattended were strictly related to the loss of the RDC and when this happened I was forced to reboot the PC. In these occasions even if I connected the monitor to see the state of the PC, the monitor screen would be black and the PC wouldn't react to any keyboard key sequence, hence the reboot. This is why I did all these tests to try to get some clues about this issue but I realize that this was definitely not the right approach.   

... what you call a fresh copy will be as old as when your Mach III was shipped ...

Of course I know that. The word 'fresh' has already been used several times on this forum and the tutorial and it only means an OS copy that has never been used.

The 25GB is the size of the OS including free space ...

Thank you for the reminder. However the spare/fresh copy of the 14393.0 OS on the SSD is only 13GB. What can I do with this? Remember this is the 2nd SSD that you shipped (April 2019) because the original one got somehow corrupted.

...you don't seem to be using XXHighEnd there as advertised, and for example you have a monitor and mouse and keyboard attached.

I never use XXHE this way when listening to music. The only times there are a monitor/mouse/keyboard attached to the PC is when I do troubleshooting.

I'll bet that most of this is unfamiliar to you ...

I repeat, I'm very familiar with this procedure and this is what I do.

... you won't be able to operate at all with this 13GB OS size, because it is inconsistent with the memory allocated to play songs ...

I've been able to use this 13GB OS meaning it booted normally but I didn't play music with it. This is the MyW10-14393 - Copy.vhd file that is on the SSD #2. I took care of making a copy of this OS before I use it. Well this OS works per say but the Ethernet NW configuration was missing. And this is nothing that I did or didn't do because with the MyW10-14393.vhd OS the 4 NW ports were working correctly right when I received the SSD #2.

There is one thing I do though : try the OS booted from RAM in MinOS, and from there I might play a little Unattendedly. But only there and most certainly not and never in Normal OS. It will only "destroy" you precious RAM-OS "base" OS files. IOW, it is not even really allowed to play in MinOS. Not Attendedly and not Unattendedly. Just not because it will be destructive.

Thanks for this reminder. This is something I was not paying enough attention to. But at the end of this quote you write ''... it is not really allowed to play in MinOS.'' I believe you meant BaseOS, isn't it?

After your post of December 26th I simply put the PC back in the system and I'm enjoying listening to music (in RAM and MinOS of course) in Attended mode. I also used the Unattended mode and it  worked most of the time except that the connection got lost a few times which necessitated a reboot. Also the red wallpaper takes up to a minute to show on the RDC PC. Keep LAN Services and Persist are both On.

I'm afraid that by now the OS has been corrupted and I don't have a workable fresh 25GB .vhd copy to replace it. Would it be possible that you send me a fresh MyW10-14393 - Copy.vhd 25GB file on a USB stick? I intend to purchase a Lush^3 cable so the USB stick could be sent along with the cable. Of course I will pay for the stick. And he first thing I'll do when I receive the .vhd file will obviously be to make a back-up of it. Maybe a fresh OS will help solve the glitches I encounter with the Unattended mode. Or at least we'll be sure that the root cause of the issue doesn't stem from the OS.

Thanks again for your help ... and your patience.


8  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: Back in Demo Mode on: December 26, 2020, 01:57:37 pm
Hi Peter,

Following the advice in your email, the Demo Mode issue has been solved by restoring the PC name to RAM-OS. I learned that the PC and Workgroup names must absolutely be RAM-OS and WORKGROUP in order for XXHE to work correctly. Thanks.

I undertook the task of understanding the issues I have with the Unattended Mode. I did the tests in Base to start with. In summary it works ok (albeit slow) when in Normal OS but it becomes unpredictable in Min OS. I will spare you the pages of notes I took to try wrapping my head around this ‘issue’. Then I thought to look at the .vhd file and I found that the MyW10-14393.vhd (25 GB) was double the size of the fresh copy MyW10-14393 – Copy.vhd (13 GB). Why such difference in size between the two OS’s? I Understand that occasional writings are made to the OS but that wouldn't explain that much gap?

So I thought of starting with a fresh copy of the OS. Fast forward. It now works with the fresh copy of the W10-14393 OS. When booting in MinOS it now takes much less time for the OS to stabilize i.e. the turning blue circle disappears just a few seconds after the desktop screen shows up. It used to take 1 to 2 minutes. And by the way I took a copy of the OS that I removed and another copy of the fresh OS.
With the few tests that I’ve done, Unattended works in Normal OS and in Min OS when the PC is controlled by the Monitor-KB-Mouse. The screen refresh delay of the red wallpaper is 5-6 seconds for the Alt commands. It used to be 2 seconds but that's ok for now.

Now the bug is that with the fresh OS the Ethernet Network has been lost. When looking for the networks I get the message: ‘’Windows did not detect a properly NW adaptor. If you have a NW adaptor, you will need to re-install the driver’’.  I looked in the Drive_F (D:) folder, tried a few things but nothing worked. Would you have a clue? Would it be a simple matter of re-installing a driver?


9  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Back in Demo Mode on: December 22, 2020, 03:17:44 am
Hi Peter,

Today I powered up the audio system for the first time in approximately 2 months. I've been very busy on a personal project during that period. On power-up everything seemed to be ok. I started in Normal OS, switched to Min OS and then went back in Normal OS. In Normal OS I played a few tracks and everything seemed to be ok. I then tried a playback in Unattended. In the beginning the track was playing normally. However I noticed that the wallpaper was yellow instead of red as usual. Not knowing what it meant I just moved on. Then I did an Alt-S to stop and it did stop. To resume the playback I did Alt-P but it didn't work. In fact I completely lost the RDC communication. I was unable to get the RDC back.

I connected the monitor, KB and mouse to the PC to see what was going on but the monitor was black with only the mouse arrow on the screen. The arrow was responsive to the mouse but the KB had no effect at all. I had no choice but to reboot the PC. After the reboot the normal playback was working normally but an attempt in Unattended yielded the exact same result than before.

After the following reboot to my surprise I realized that the OS was in Demo Mode. How did it happen, I don't know. I have no clue.

For now I need to get rid of the Demo Mode first. Can you PM me with the procedure and code please. Then I'll try to have the Unattended mode to work again.

Note: the XXHE version is 2.11



10  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 05, 2020, 08:41:11 pm
Hi Peter,

I confirm that I don't use WASAPI. I use KS Mode Adaptive with the Buffer size at 4096. The output device selected is KS:Phasure NOS1..., and the box Stop WASAPI Services is checked. I also never used Minority Clean in Base OS, I only listen in RAM OS.

Regarding the issue I have with Unattended, I will give it a try again with the Keep W10 Services unchecked. I will change this parameter in Normal OS and Base. Then I'll go back in MinOS and RAM. I'll report on the outcome.



11  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 04, 2020, 07:52:57 pm
Thanks for the advice Peter.
12  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 04, 2020, 04:45:43 pm
Hi David,

All the parameters you mentioned are checked plus Stop W10 Services. I will try again with Stop W10 Services unchecked. Thanks for the tip.

13  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 04, 2020, 01:02:59 pm
And by the way I got rid of the error message ‘’Asked for clock resolution setting wasn’t met. Asked for: 15ms Received: 1.0007ms’’ simply by setting the Clock Resesolution to 1.0ms which doesn't affect the SQ if Minority Clean is running.

14  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 04, 2020, 12:58:52 pm
Hi Paul,

Glad to see that it's working for you too. In fact there was no doubt in my mind. I'm using the same SFS at 0.69. I agree with your description that it removes some hash on the low level details. For examples the shimmer of cymbals are more vibrant, we can better hear the metal hit by the sick. The benefits apply across the spectrum.

I originally used Minority Clean (MC) with 2.10 but it's as much efficient with 2.11. The combination of MC + 2.11 pushes the SQ to a new level in my living room.

I created a shortcut of MC and put it on the Desktop. To start it I simply double clic on it and I stop it with the Task Manager. But in reality once MC is running it stays on.

I'm using MC in Attended mode and I believe that it comes close in SQ to the Unattended mode without MC. I have difficulties running Unattended, it's unstable. Often the RDC link gets lost and can't be recovered. The PC must be rebooted. So I put it on the side for now.

I encourage others to give a try to Minority Clean. It's a good deal. yes

15  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: The last XXHighEnd version (2.11) on: April 02, 2020, 12:15:57 pm
I finally succeeded in downloading the Upgrade file. I don't know what was the culprit as even with both Bitdefender and Windows Firewall disabled it wasn't working. This morning with Bitdefender and the Windows Firewall working the download worked.

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