Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Can 16/44.1 files be upsampled to 24/192 using AP?
on: February 15, 2010, 04:33:35 am
Hi Peter,
I have a strange situation where my my Overdrive DAC does not support 176.4. My native files are 16/44.1; if I use QAP (my soundcard is 24 bit Off Ramp) then my output files from XXHE would be 24/176.4, which is supported by the soundcard but not by the DAC. Is there a way I could upsample my native files to 24/192 through XXHE?
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Does hiFace sound card work with XX?
on: January 08, 2010, 08:45:54 am
Hi Peter,
hiFace (M2Tech) is a USB/SPDIF interface which can work with Sampling Frequency upto 24/192. I was wondering whether this will work with XXHE? They are installing a new driver on the hiFace which is compatible with WASAPI but there website mentions that for optimum SQ the player should work in Kernel Streaming mode & not in Direct Sound mode. I do believe XXHE works in Kernel Streaming mode?
Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: High Frequency Sound while playing (9y-4)
on: December 29, 2009, 05:56:07 pm
XX is created under C:\XXhighend\0.9y-4 but smowhow the temp data folder is not created. Maybe I have done something wrong. Since Audiodidakt had the same problem maybe he could send you his log files. I can of course give you the name of the track which gave me the problem; Hoobastank/For(n)ever/My Turn 16/44.1 .wav file.
Sorry for not being a big help.