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1  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: CoverartPath is empty on: January 06, 2024, 08:50:26 pm
This is partly a comment and a question.

- For albums, there is typically an image "Folder.jpg" that is the cover art for the album.
- In "Playlist" folders, there is no cover art file.  And each file comes from a different album. How do media players find the cover art for these different tracks and albums?
- After I moved the folders, I no longer get the "CoverartPath is empty" message.  But also, I get the standard XXHE "X" cover art page when there is no cover art image.
- Playing the same files with Windows media player, the player seems to extract a cover art image even without any image file anywhere.

This is easy answer: XXHE does not read so called 'file header' or at least not beyond sample rate and bit depth while most other players do read local file header or search song / album cover on internet. Several websites collect such infos: Discogs, MusicBrainz, freedb to name the few.
2  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: CoverartPath is empty on: January 06, 2024, 08:37:01 pm
Thanks, seems that your solution works over here as well. Loaded folder with some 89 tracks under different file path (previous one was //'Playlist/foldername') and voila, same files, different path and XXHE does not complain any more. Think Peter made some rule/limitation that triggers a.m. error.
3  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: CoverartPath is empty on: January 06, 2024, 06:28:17 pm
Hi Peter, long time no speak, ahm, no e-mail Happy
My case: it is not 'playlist' per se, just a number of files randomly chosen from different albums and put into same folder. Like example, 'good' or 'night music' or like, f.e. member 'tore', 'tore's choice' etc. Files (larger number, like 40, 50 or more) are loaded through XXHE explorer, played on standard PC, not audio PC and not minimised/optimised Windows. XXHE will not play until I click away that small window 'Check Coverart' and message 'CoverartPath is empty'. This repeats for each file in so formed 'playlist'.

EDIT: Better word would be 'play cue' iof 'playlist'
4  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: CoverartPath is empty on: January 06, 2024, 02:20:52 pm
Have same error for a very long time. Tried to solve it by adding any photo named 'folder' (.jpg, .png) in directory - no success, error repeats (as well as need to confirm OK on every file). Thought my W10 was damaged but same repeats on W11 as well.
5  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Tidal Max on: August 16, 2023, 03:52:47 pm
Hi Peter,

I have a small USB dac, 'Light Harmonic GeekOut' 32/384 capable playing music through Tidal desktop app. Was confused to see 'Max' files playing at 48000 sampling rate. Today opened 'More settings' on chosen output device (GeekOut), activated 'Exclusive mode' and beside highly shifted volume slider I've got 96000 sampling rate. That was with Paul Simon's a/m album and same with Stevie Wonder's one.

Since I have no MQA capable hardware, I've reached SW sampling rate limit and this is how Tidal team 'hides' it. DAC's driver shows only sr, not bit depth unfortunately. Again, beware of sudden very high volume increase!

6  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: May 20, 2022, 07:34:46 pm
Hi Joseph,

I've posted same Mega link on some domestic forums - no issues w/ download. Here's the link for HB installer if you want it (I find it very useful): https://ufile.io/3pp84nqf

If I understand well, after session in Unattended mode MC/LE processes are not listed/seen in Task Manager any more, right?


7  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: May 19, 2022, 10:12:38 pm
Hi Joseph,

Link I posted before is still valid and contains HB installer v.9 (zip file) and I added the latest version of MC/LE pairs (7z files + passwd files)

Here is the link again: https://mega.nz/fm/OogmGYzZ
And a link to developer's blog I forgot to mention, for MC/LE future releases: http://www.mics.ne.jp/~cdorya/MajiorityClean/

- You need only one folder and all files in it (nssm, installer and MC/LE pair(s) - it is possible to run more versions of them at the same time.
- 'Keep this process' field in XXHE settings should be active in minimized OS as well. Have no activated XXHE on PC I'm writing right now to check.


8  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 28, 2022, 01:26:17 am
Let's help a bit more:
- There is small software with more options than 'sexe.exe' that will install MajiorityClean/LemonadeElitest as a Windows process(es), called 'nssm.exe'. Link for download: https://nssm.cc/download
- There is also a batch file made by a user on another good audio forum that will automate installation/de-installation (cleaning) of several MC/LE instances, called 'HungyBears MC installer v.9'.
   When installation is completed, 'nssm.exe' is closed - no unnecessary active processes exist.
- The link for downloading two most positively described & rated versions of MC/LE pairs together with a/m mentioned batch file: https://mega.nz/fm/OogmGYzZ  7z files passwd is in txt files.

 How I use MC as Win process:
- Create folder named for example 'MC' at HDD/SSD's root
- Copy MC/LE of choice (or more versions of them)
- Copy nssm.exe and HungryBear's installer to same folder

Run installer which will ask simple questions and open nssm's small GUI. Simply point nssm to the file's path and click Install. Choose process priority (there's MC/LE author's suggestion).
Few more questions to answer with Y/N and all is set. File should normally run without administrator's privileges.

Expect Peter to comment MC/LE and in case his findings are good, how it could live on systems with OS in memory.

9  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: ActiveX Error Message on: July 02, 2021, 09:00:00 pm
Hi Peter,
No, it was problem with KS on WServer 2019 Core mode installation however it seems to be one of options in Audiophile Optimizer: 'to install Kernel Streaming and Media Player Support or not'. Never tried AO myself but read abt KS problem on another forum smile. Sure, without KS @vhs would not have sound at all smile

10  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: ActiveX Error Message on: July 02, 2021, 10:32:25 am

Looks to me you are coming from JPlay environment. For your info, licensed XXHE will do all Windows optimizations (probably more) without need of Process Lasso (PL), Audiophile Optimizer (AO) and Fidelizer Pro (FP). Simply press 'Minimize OS' and XXHE will do all that is needed for perfect PC audio reproduction. Server 2019 is variation of W10 where some services/processes are not activated. If I remember well, even Kernel Streaming is not started or even not installed at all.


11  Ultimate Audio Playback / Chatter and forum related stuff / Re: My phone sounds better than the NOS1 on: April 01, 2021, 08:38:33 am
Interesting, I have similar experience with LG V30 phone. Silky highs like, I don't know how to describe, like Thai silk? No more two PC's and tablet plus. Simple and elegant solution.

12  Ultimate Audio Playback / Interesting Music / Testmaterial / Re: Three Little Words on: February 24, 2021, 05:27:49 pm
Hi Peter,

Below that single track of Dominique Fils-Aimé, there is an offering of full, 14 track
MQA album 'Three Little Words': https://tidal.com/browse/album/156158786

13  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / Re: CoverartPath is Empty - Check Coverart error on: December 28, 2020, 10:28:00 am
Hi Peter,

Re-checked the occurrence of above error, very strange. When cover art option(s) are active, some folders, with a number of files
(say 40, 50 or more with 1 photo named 'folder') do show the above error while others with similar content play normally.

In both cases, the photo shown on desktop is totally unrelated to music played. It belongs to album I played perhaps a month ago.

Loading and playing some album with own cover photo does not change what is shown on desktop , still the same photo from album played who knows when Happy.
Clicking [C] button (Clear CoverArt Cashe) brings no change.

Since I become unregistered too (windows updates perhaps), will delete both XXHE, XXHEdata dirs and try again.

14  Ultimate Audio Playback / XXHighEnd Support / CoverartPath is Empty - Check Coverart error on: December 28, 2020, 12:02:19 am
Hi Peter

Shoot me but cannot find reason for this error not allowing me to play music until I click it away...

15  Ultimate Audio Playback / Playback Tweaks and Source related subjects / Re: Minority Clean on: April 05, 2020, 07:31:35 pm
Hi Peter,

Minority Clean does some 'cleaning' or rearranging SSE and MMX processor instructions. There is source code always included in package, it is written in Basic so
for you it is very easy to determine what it actually does. It can be loaded as one of Win processes (using sexe64.exe) or put in startup folder or started manually.
No matter audio player used, it does have positive effect on audio playback.

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