Hey Nils Ove,
I think the message you talk about goes something like "Memory is low", is that right ? If so, then this is related to your Virtual Memory setting. This is in :
- Explorer
- Rightclick MyComputer / This PC
- Properties
- Advanced System settings
- Advanced tab
- The topmost Settings button
- Advanced tab
- Bottom section "Virtual memory".

That should be at minimum the size of your memory, thus 16GB (or more) in your case.
I myself have this Virtual Memory at 0 (thus switched off) and never have any problems with it. This is also the advice. So if you now receive these messages, it is a bit strange.
Do you use coverart ? if Yes, how large are your coverart files ? They should be 500K - 1000K (1M) and not e.g. 30M which can easily happen with some "wrong" scanning.
Are we talking about the same message anyway ? (hence what is the message *exactly* ?).