Keeping Mach III cool

Started by briefremarks, July 24, 2024, 02:26:10 AM

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Wanted to share this.  I have the Mach III in a cabinet with an open back, along with the original XXHE PC, which I use to store music. While the XXHE PC core temp at idle is around 35 C, the Mach III runs quite a bit hotter at 59-60 C.  I have the rear switch on the side down (faster fan speed).  To cool the Mach III, I bought an external fan (the Aircom T10 exhausting to the back). With the T10 on top of the Mach III, and at the lowest fan speed (and very quiet), the idle core temp drops almost 10 C.  It seems a workable solution if others have to keep the Mach III inside a cabinet.  Since the fan is external it does not draw power from the Mach III that could compromise SQ.

Audio PC: Stealth III PC; RAM-OS W10 14393.0. 
XXHE version 2.11.
Music Server: XXHE PC, RDC to Audio PC, ET^3 cable
XXHE settings: Q1/xQ1 14/x4, Q3/4/5 0/0/1, SFS 10.13 (Max 120), Clock Res 10ms, Core Scheme:3-5, Driver Buffer 16ms, Balanced Load 35, Nervous Rate 10.
Audio PC -> Lush^3 USB (A: WYRG; B: WG-> NOS1(a,75B, G3) -> Blaxius^2.5 (A:BG, B: BG) -> Orelo Mk II active speakers