Hi there !
First of all, thank you for your nice words. And oh, you might edit your post in order to let the

come through (small typo there). Haha.
Well, in brief for now ...
This is about the Q settings :
Q Parameter Settings (FWIW).
Before you actually setup "playlists" as such, invest some time in setting up Galleries, and at least try rightclick on the coverart in the middle pane where most of the functionality springs from. The Galleries are the most powerful and mimic playlists just the same.
For the best sound quality in general, Unattended must be used (checkbox at the bottom in the main screen).
In order to let that work conveniently plus again better SQ, you must a. setup the AutoHotkey stuff which let's you control XXHighEnd by means of the keyboard (meaning not the mouse) and b. tick the checkboxes in the CoverArt section (Settings Area). In that sequence, or otherwise you won't be able to do antyhing after music plays (ok, who cares) like bringing up XXHighEnd again by means of Alt-X which also restores the normal environment (you will see what I mean by the time you are dealing with this).
For AutoHotkey look here :
AutoHotkey Install. A typical son in law little project, but maybe you have already done it.
The priorities can be set best with a large distance between eachother, and PlayerPrio at the lowest and ThreadPrio at the highest usually does not harm.
The Core Appointment setting differs per PC and installation for best SQ. I use 3, but this is not for everybody. Just try it.
Last but not least there's your DAC;
Wel, true, if the DAC does the upsampling herself, why would I outdo that. Well, even the best DACs (and let's call your DAC such a the best DAC

) you may be surprised. Set all filtering off in the DAC. If that is not possible carefully judge each (when more are availabe) of the filter settings with Quad and Arc Prediction upsampling. If there is pure analogue filtering without digital filtering that is supposedly good, but still try without also.
Let me know what happens on this one, but be ready for that surprise (and notice that it never has been my intention to let Arc Prediction "work out" for Oversampling DACs (like yours) in the first place, but there it does too).
For now this should get you going a bit, but when your son in law is over, he might be looking at this for you :
How I tweaked my Vista virtually dead.
So far for now ?