Well, as I see it, the problem with digital cross-overs is that they *always* use DACs you don't like. Or it must be a coincidence.
The problem with the passive stuff is the components added.
The problem with active (analogue) kit is that again it adds components, which indeed as you say will colour as well. Besides, it is not said that all what can be solved with a passive solution can be solved with an active solution (although the very expensive solutions will or will at least come close).
While the above sums it up (but merely repeats your own findings) there is one further solution : be ahead of everything and do it in software.
IMHO this is the most tricky part of it all, because you won't be able to know how much it degrades. So, people like Pedal (from the post I referred to) convolute their whole homes to something they like better, while in the mean time it won't be much different from entering a random "hi-fi" store, listen to their reference system, and me thinking back 10 years, while "you" (hence Pedal etc.) may like it. Yeah, how to explain audio in words ...
So the only thing we can do for now, is stick to some theories, which should be understandable and acceptable, as long as we accept XXHighEnd to sound better than a random other player. Remember, this is important because it is the base for "theories" here;
The only single reason why XXHighEnd sounds better, is because much care is taken about the way the processing is done. I don't say "less" I don't say "lean", but I do say "taken care of". And to keep in mind : one Q or the other, it is and remains bit perfect (leave alone upsampling/volume of course). And so are the other players ...
Now, if you'd apply a "plugin", or other means like from the post I referred to, you will influence that processing again. With Pedal's solution I can't be 100% sure, because it happens in an external device (FireFace400 in his case), but I will put some money on that the influence happens anyway, if I only look at what I do to "get there".
So, it again will go wrong because the processing takes place within XXHighEnd (Plugin solution) or *after* it (FF solution).
But it won't go wrong when it happens *before* XXHighEnd ...
In order to more or less "proove" this, you must first accept that e.g. converting from FLAC cannot influence SQ in XXHighEnd. This is because this happens before playback even starts, while after that conversion, it's a normal .WAV playing. I know, some people even doubt this, and while I tend to believe them, I never saw the proof I asked for (which is easy to do, but never mind this for now). So, that assumed (preprocessing can't influence) ...
When the cross-overs are applied before playback starts, and of course assumed it is done right (which will depend on me by the time), all what is left is just another .WAV to play. No matter what has been done to it, the *processing* of it will be no different opposed to nothing happened to it. And *now* we are getting somewhere ...
All it takes now is the processing in XXHighEnd of enough channels for your XOver, while the processing of that more channels again should not influence SQ. Also, for 4 channels I already know it does not, because I can use that overhere (so yes, 4 channel operation is in XXHighEnd already (throuhout) but you can't utilize it (yet)).
Next, of course, is the necessity of an acceptable means of "DAC", or in other words, that we don't fall back to 4 cheap Behringer whatever devices because otherwise all becomes unaffordable (for -you could well say- everyone). I mean, if I had to use my before DAC which costed 2000 euro only, it would already be not woth it (just because the SQ of it doesn't justify 8000 euro). And so, one of the hidden agenda's of the Phasure NOS1 has been (almost from the beginning) that it would do 8 channels of the quality it does with 2 channels, but now against a relatively small higher price of maybe 500-750 euro (this is still not definitive). This is rather different from 2900 euro x 4.
And mind you, this is for 8 channels, in case you need them; when you can suffice with 4 channels it's actually in the base version, although not 100% (because of additional gain stages needed); maybe another 100 euro above the 2900 does this job.
Of course, all has its "price", and in this case this is about the necessity to use XXHighEnd for it. But hey, I guess this is was we were after in the first place.
And so, it shouldn't be a problem.
By means of working on the DAC for such a long time, I know how much it differs when just components can be left out. So, I too have a nest of coils, resistors and caps for my passive cross-overs;
It will be a difference of day and night.