
Started by christoffe, May 26, 2015, 12:01:21 AM

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a "small" change in my system with an amazing result.

I bought from Entreq with other components the "ground box" Tellus due to a strong suggestion by Per-Olof Friberg 5 years ago, but never installed it.

Today the "ground box" was installed by connecting the poweramp  earth to the Tellus with a simple PVC isolated copper wire, and the SQ changed dramatically.

The position of the instruments are better to locate within the recording space, improvements of the timbre of all instruments and voices, amazing drums and well defined bass.
As an unbeliever for proper "grounding " I lost five years of this amazing improvement of the SQ.

The installation of the Tellus "ground box" (not connected to PE acc. to the manual) is a strong recommendation, if you have not installed a similar device or a proper earthing system.
