Hi Brian,
First off, look here :
How to shut down PC when in RAM OS.
Then :
I don't think what you tell there is completely correct; So :
Then using the 10586 start button I hit Shut Down.
When you do that, nothing is saved anywhere, plus your mentioned
saw a message saying settings were being saved to permanent storage
won't be occurring, as this only springs from XXHighEnd's Shutdown feature.
Lastly :
Playing from RAM when I shut down the PC last night I first remounted the RAM OS drive using the "Cancel" button in the Boot Menu screen.
You can initialize the shut down like that, but it is not necessary, as the system will mount the Disk after you inserted it, automatically. Again, see Arvind's post (my response to that).
Ok, one more thing :
however I ended up at the log in screen instead of shutting down
I surely believe you but don't ask me how that happens. Possibly if I do exactly the same as you did, that will happen over here too. But for example, if you imply *and* a shut down via XXHighEnd *and* one in parallel via Windows itself, I'd say strange things may happen. And it looks like you applied such parallel processes, although I don't see you writing that literally.

Does this help you ??