Hey there ...
Did you consider the Sigma speaker that Peter and Bert took to Xfi with 6x12" drivers per channel?
I am confident my response (and me answering to this) may come across as a bit strange, but I am strange myself anyway :
Yes, Ramesh considered those and together we came to this decision.
My point (of answering this) is :
Many options need to be considered and say that it takes dozens of emails to work this out. After that a conclusion is personal and in the end based on my given data plus in this case an audition; If in one post it would be layed out why the decision is as it is then we'll see that the internet is the internet and things start to lead an own life, almost always unjustified.
While the above is one point of (my) concern, an even more important one is the "debunking" of other's choices, which is all so easy for a human being to imply. Thus for example, when one would express an honest opinion like "the Sigma sounds like sh*t" then the owner of that can be assured he made the wrong choice. And this also happens in aftermath (envision someone buying that, reading this text of concern after the fact).
So all I try to avoid is that people implicitly make others sad.
Of course you guys can talk in private what you want (hey, would I be able to stop you from doing that anyway ?).
Or ask me in private (as long as you think I can be trusted
